Sunday, October 7, 2007


Ok, so I'd often heard on the radio and such that Coldplay was the new U2, and I just couldn't hear it. None of what I heard sounded remotely like U2's style or passion. I thought, maybe they're Irish and so everyone wants to make the connection. But the other day I watched a concert on TV that changed my mind.

Their concert style, performance, and even a majority of their songs were so reminiscent of U2 that I had a hard time watching at first. I just kept laughing and thinking to myself, "yes, I've heard all this before." Some of it was so much like New Year's Day or Sunday Bloody Sunday, and others were more like the newer stuff. And even U2's Window in the Sky sounds a lot like some of Coldplay's sensational popular songs. They definitely have their own sound, but they've definitely been inspired by U2 in many of their less popular songs. It was crazy.

Here's an example. This is how they opened their concert:

Listen to that guitar! Tell me that isn't War all over again! And the lights?? Well, that's just a U2 concert. It got even more blatant later on when they started with a red screen and then blasted the entire place with white lights. Ummmm . . . have we seen that before????