Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Morning Playlist

This morning over waffles, my ipod shuffled to a Coldplay song, and Jeffy asked if it was the same sad song we listened to the other day (a song on the radio). Apparently, any song that says, "hurt you" or has a slightly melancholy feel to it is a sad song, and Jeffy will have none of it.

So he asked for a "happy and exciting" song. Okey dokey.

First, I tried Mysterious Ways. At first it was a hit, but then, nope. That one says, "It's alright," perhaps implying that something seems wrong. So it's a sad song. Too bad. Such potential.

Next, I went to the old fall-back, Jeffy's favorite potty training song, Vertigo. He said that was great, except it wasn't exciting or happy, just a normal song. What the? I don't know what this kid wants of me! Plus, then we had to have all sorts of discussion about if he said "Jesus" or not in the song. I told him she was wearing "CHEESES" round her neck. In case she gets hungry, you know? I didn't feel like having the discussion about religion in rock songs . . . or on jewelry.

I browsed some more and found Trip Through Your Wires, which is one of my faves. Jeffy said it sounded like a cowboy song, which apparently is ok, but not quite exciting. Bono does do all sorts of whooping in it . . . oh, how I love whooping.

Then I tried I Will Follow, thinking he might think it was cool about running away and following and whatnot, but at that time, the kids got bored, finished with their waffles, and they left without a single word about my hard-chosen song for them.

So, I started thinking, what are some good kid-appealing U2 songs? I ought to make Jeffy a playlist. I doubt Love is Blindness will make the cut. Or pretty much anything from Pop. Any ideas?