Saturday, January 19, 2008

U2 3D

Of course Cami and I have our tickets ready to go for the event next Wednesday night! We are so EXCITED!!! I just wish we could be together for it! We will give a complete review of the show for all of you "die hard" fans like us!


Cami said...

YEEEEEEEHAWWW!! I'm way excited. We're getting a group of lots of people to go! It's like concert time all over again.

Matt said...

Woa. I didn't know. This looks awesome. I like concerts, but I think I'm tool old to stand up and scream for hours. I just want to sit and watch. On the other hand, I saw a few minutes of a Norah Jones concert DVD, and I wanted to tear the TV from the wall it was so boring.

I guess what I want is to go to fantastic concerts, sit on the front row, and have people scream and dance all they want but never obstruct my sitting-down view.

So, maybe I'd like this 3D thing.